This is the first day we brought the kids out to see what their parents had bought. They were excited (and Jane was dressed for the occasion). Look with us at what we were up against.
The front.
Here we are making the initial entry. I'm not sure I have another photo, so I'll mention in this one that the radio antenna you see on the east (right) wall of the house was so rusted out that the only things holding it up were a couple of screws on a little strap securing it to the side of the house. All three legs were rusted completely through. |
Love the green porch carpet. |
The white paint on the ceiling was peeling away and we could see that the porch ceiling used to be painted blue. This was known as "haint blue" because it is supposed to keep the haints (ie., haunts---ghosts) away. We will continue this tradition when we get to the painting stage. (Maybe we should have heeded the foreshadowing of the burglar bars on the door. ) |
The Living Room.
Water heater and breaker box. |
View into kitchen from laundry room. |
The Laundry/Utility Room.
This used to be a back porch. Now it is enclosed. Note the outdoor siding on the left wall. And the mildew on the haint blue ceiling. |
I do like this light fixture. It's a keeper. |
The Bathroom
Oooh, where to start. With the green shower walls or the blue floor? Or maybe the galvanized pipe handles. |
Safety first. Ok, one day I'll probably regret taking the pipe handles out. |
Potty and heater. :) |
The Bedrooms
Back left bedroom. Lovely reading lamp on the wall. |
Closet door and another heater. These remind me of my Grandma Hazel and PopPop's house. |
Master Bedroom. Aren't the floors nice? Can't wait to see them refinished. |
Here I am, getting the party started by removing all of the drapery hardware. |
The back.
The back door. See the siding where they closed in that little utility room. These steps lasted a few weeks before they completely caved in. |
So there you go. The good, bad, and ugly. Hopefully more good than bad. And we can fix ugly.
I am so glad you are doing this blog. You have been so consistent at taking pictures. You smart girl; I didn't know you were doing this.